Introducing our Institutional Partnerships

We have created an institutional partnership package for organisations looking to engage in next design and business practice as a part of their strategy and culture.

Gemma Jones

Interdisciplinary cultural researcher and strategist specialising in semiotics and futures thinking

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J. Paul Neeley

J. Paul is a London based designer and researcher with expertise in Speculative Design, Service Design, Design Research, and Strategy.

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December 17, 2020

We have created an institutional partnership package for organisations looking to engage in next design and business practice as a part of their strategy and culture.

LECTURE ACCESS - We host regular conversations around critical issues, and we give members of your staff access to these events and write ups.

NEXT PRACTICE WORKSHOP - This private workshop is for a group of up to 20 individuals within your organisation. We look at signals from the future of your sector context, and then introduce methods and tools for engaging with these topics in order to identify opportunities to create meaningful impact today.

ADVERTISING - Your institution would be shown as a sponsor at all our events and on our mail outs and workshops throughout the year.

SPONSORSHIP OF FELLOWS - The School of Critical Design fellowship programme helps mid-career professionals from interdisciplinary backgrounds to develop and share emerging ideas and practices within design and business. Our fellows contribute to our workshops and masterclass programming.

SPONSORSHIP OF STUDENTSHIPS - The School of Critical Design offers studentships each year, these are post-graduate students or early career professionals from interdisciplinary backgrounds. We work with them as they explore and prepare for professional practice, and create valuable engagements with our institutional partners. We're committed to progressing the careers of applicants from diverse global backgrounds.

For more information and partnership options please contact us at

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Further Reading
Speculative Design Examples
Speculative Design goes beyond solving current problems, focusing instead on what could happen in the future. It uses design as a tool to create scenarios, products, and services that question current trends and explore the implications of emerging technologies, societal changes, and environmental challenges. Let’s look at some compelling speculative design examples that illustrate the depth and diversity of the approach.
June 19, 2024
Speculative Design vs. Design Fiction
"What is the difference between Speculative Design and Design Fiction?" – This is a question that invites us into a nuanced exploration of two closely related, yet distinct, fields within the broader umbrella of futures design. Both fields are concerned with the future and both employ imagination and creativity to explore possibilities beyond the constraints of current reality. However, their approaches, objectives, and methodologies reveal subtle differences.
June 19, 2024